Charities & Responsible Investment

We aim to help charities and other civil society organisations to adopt and shape responsible investment practises.

Why are we doing this?

We strongly believe that charities have an influential role to play in shaping a more sustainable financial system. By ensuring they are investing and saving responsibly and in harmony with their mission and values charities can reap significant mission‐related, reputational and financial benefits while complementing the voluntary sector’s fundamental objective of building a fairer society and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The charity sector’s investment assets are collectively worth £91.9bn (Source: NCVO UK Civil Society Almanac 2018). The power of these assets if invested responsibly is significant, but exponentially more powerful is the potential for charities to use these assets and their voice to shift all UK assets towards financing the move to a more sustainable economy and world

What are we doing to achieve this?

We encourage and assist charities and their trustees in the development of an ethical, sustainable and socially responsible approach to their investments through education, research and the provision of resources. Our website provides information and resources on Responsible Investment – what it is, reasons for doing it and how to go about it.

Charity Ethical Money Action Plan

We have developed, in consultation with charities and other stakeholders, a ‘Charity Ethical Money Action Plan’. The Plan is intended to be a roadmap for charities to help them consider all aspects of both their own financial choices as well as their influence on the financial system. Further information about the plan.

Responsible Investment in Charity Pooled Funds 2021

Read our latest report outlining the responsible investment policies of charity-specific pooled funds

We are currently engaging with charities of all shapes and sizes to help better understand how we can support them with aligning their money and mission. For further details on how to give us feedback, please click here.

Other useful resources:

The Charities Responsible Investment Netword (CRIN) supports foundations and other charities with investments to further their mission through responsible investment.

Big Society Capital connect social investment to charities and social enterprises and produce a variety of charity-specific resources.

Good Money Week is an annual campaign run by the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association highlighting ‘good money’ options, resources and events for charities and others.

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