Shaping the Future of Sustainability: An Insightful Conversation with Maria Nazarova-Doyle

Shaping the Future of Sustainability: An Insightful Conversation with Maria Nazarova-Doyle
ESG-talks is a series of interviews with ESG professionals with diverse educational and professional backgrounds,…
ESG-talks is a series of interviews with ESG professionals with diverse educational and professional backgrounds,…
ESG-talks is a series of interviews with ESG professionals with diverse educational and professional backgrounds, whom…
This month the EIRIS Foundation is proud to celebrate its 40th Anniversary and its pioneering role in the field of responsible investment.
Hetal Jani considers the responsible investment policies of the largest UK charities.
Project Manager Mandy Reynolds outlines why financial providers need to do more to help individuals understand how their money is making a difference.
Eli da Costa writes about our role in the CHRB and some of the challenges around human rights assessments.
Yael Rosenfeld reflects on CHRB and the need for mandatory human rights due diligence.