‘3 Things’ shares 3 highlights of the week related to the work we do here at the EIRIS Foundation
1. Interested in opening up conversations about money, faith and a fairer world? The Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility (ECCR) has launched a new resource as part of a national programme called Money Makes Change. It’s an accessible, interactive resource for small groups designed to help you inspire conversation, prayer and action around a range of issues. A preview of the resource and accompanying materials can be downloaded here https://www.eccr.org.uk/learning-materials/ and a full version requested for free from [email protected]
2. Three charities – the Joffe Trust, the Blagrave Trust and Friends Provident Foundation – have invited asset managers to make proposals for the investment of £32 million in an initiative called the ‘ESG Investing Olympics‘. For more information visit https://www.friendsprovidentfoundation.org/news/charities-launch-esg-investing-olympics/
3. The Charity Commission is seeking views on how charities approach investing in line with their purpose and values. The consultation is open until Tuesday, the 31st of March. More information here: https://charitycommission.blog.gov.uk/2020/01/15/how-do-charities-approach-investing-in-line-with-their-purpose-and-values-we-want-to-know-and-we-want-to-help/
If you would like to share some news or information that could be a possible future ‘3 Things’ you think we might like to highlight please email [email protected]